17. In the case of a plan termination, the statement of benefits is the statement referred to in section 207.3 of the Act, with the following modifications:(1) the payment methods that must be indicated in accordance with subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of this section must include, for each member or beneficiary to whom a pension is being paid on the date of termination, the payment methods provided for under section of the Act;
(2) the time allotted under the second paragraph of section 15 must be indicated instead of the date mentioned in subparagraph 4 of section 207.3 of the Act;
(3) the mention that, where the member or beneficiary to whom a pension is being paid on the date of the termination fails to request to have his or her benefits transferred to a pension plan referred to in section 98 of the Act, or to have his or her pension paid out of the assets administered by Retraite Québec within the time allotted under the second paragraph of section 15, his or her benefits will be paid by an insurer according to the conditions prescribed by regulation and chosen by the pension committee.